What Other People Think

Last night, my Handsome Man Friend came over to my house to hang out and watch Ted Lasso with me.

It's not the situation that's causing your stress, it's your thoughts, and you can change that right here and now. You can choose to be peaceful right here and now. Peace is a choice, and it has nothing to do w (3).png

 After he arrived, the usual things started happening. My daughter had a question about her math homework. My son needed to show me how his gecko reacts when he sees himself in the mirror. The dog needed to go out, but went inside the house instead. It was an hour before we started the show, and even then I had to pause it several times.

 My thoughts went something like this:

 "Handsome Man Friend is probably so annoyed right now. I bet he wants to go home to his quiet and peaceful house and never come back!"

 He didn't say any of that. Or seem the least bit annoyed. I just made it up.

 Anytime we speculate what someone else is thinking, we are creating a fictional story.

 Since it's just a fictional story I created, I could just as easily think:

 "Handsome Man Friend is probably so impressed with what a great mom I am. He probably can't believe how adorable I look after a long day. Every time I pause the TV, he's probably using the down time to think about how patient I am, and how great my kids are."

 What fictional stories do you create? How does believing that fictional story serve you?

 If you spend too much time worrying what others think, reach out to me. I can teach you how to save a ton of time, energy, and worry by changing the way you think.

 PS If you haven't watched Ted Lasso yet YOU HAVE TO DO IT.

 PPS Do you get my weekly emails? If you’d like some weekly goodness in your inbox, you can subscribe right here.

Michelle Gauthier