Yesterday I felt really crappy

Ever have one of those days where you’re just crabby, or annoyed, or just plain sad? But you tell yourself you don’t have time for those emotions, and try to “get over it” and move on. You have a million things to do and there’s no time for this nonsense.

Here is the most simple, efficient solution:

Just allow it. However you feel, just be that.

Investigate the feeling. If you feel sad, for example, ask yourself why you might be sad. Asking with curiosity and kindness looks like this:

"Hey, Self, seems like we’re sad today. Can you think of anything that might be causing that? Maybe you’re feeling stuck at work? Maybe it’s the anniversary of a hard time? Maybe you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Whatever it is, it’s ok. "

Once you understand why you might feel sad, just be in that feeling. For me, being sad looks like resting a lot, wearing comfy clothes and maybe talking to a friend.

If you allow your feelings, they will pass. Fighting them off is what causes them to last longer and feel worse. Telling yourself “buck up, we can’t be sad right now” or putting a smile on your face when inside you don’t feel happy just makes the feeling last longer. Be nice to yourself by honoring your true feelings.

XO - Michelle

PS If you have a hard time expressing or feeling your feelings, I can help. Learning to just feel them is one of the keys to having a calm and authentic life. I'd love to teach you how. The first step is to set up a free discovery call to learn more about coaching 1 on 1 with me.