The Goal Setting Champion of the World

A friend from the gym introduced me to this woman (on TikTok, not in real life) who is trying to break the women’s world record for consecutive pull ups. 

In each short video she gives the same update with new numbers. 

“Today is day 16 of training to do pull ups until I break the world record. My current record is 27 and the current women’s world record is 48.”

Each report is the same format. Yesterday’s was: 

“Today is day 82 of training to do pull ups until I break the world record.
My current record is 35, and the current women’s world record is 48.”

This is some masterful goal setting.  

She never says “I’m hoping to break the world record” 

She also never says “I’m not making progress” even though she is often staying on the same number for many days in a row. 

She just stays super focused on goal. She states her progress as facts. I have ZERO doubt that she’s going to do it. 

What’s your goal? How can you apply this to something you want to do? It doesn’t need to be world record breaking. 

Mine is: 

“Hi I’m Michelle and I’m on day 11 of summer. My goal is to take my kids on 12 fun outings in our city this summer. So far I’m at zero.” 

Maybe yours is something like: 

“Hi, I’m on day 1 of learning to be present. My goal is to put my phone in my bedroom when I get home from work and not look at it again until I go to bed. Today I made it 17 minutes.” 

PS Even though I’m at zero, I’ve got a list of the adventures I want to take on my phone. I took off every Tuesday all summer so we have time to do them. I’ll be up to 1 before you know it!

PPS I work with clients 1 on 1 to help accomplish their goals. Interested? The first step is to set up a call with me here

Michelle Gauthier