Weird and annoying things people say

My kids are both adopted. We adopted them as newborns. My kids have always known all of the details. We talk openly about it all the time. 


Sometimes, other people say the “wrong” thing. 


“So, they aren’t actually siblings then?” 


I CHOOSE to think that no one is actually trying to be rude. Instead I think “she’s asking if they are biologically related and doesn’t know the way to ask the question.” and I reply with the answer of “no, they aren’t biologically related.” without giving it another thought. 


“Would you be offended if they wanted to meet their real mom/dad?” 


I CHOOSE to think that she doesn't mean to insinuate that I am not my children’s real mom. Instead I reply by explaining that in our situation, my kids knowing their birth parents is a good thing and that they do know them. I explain that I am their mom, and their (adoptive) dad is their dad, but that we all love and respect their birth parents. 


Getting upset about the things people say would only ruin MY day. Instead I assume that they meant well, and move on. (And I hope someone gives me the same benefit of the doubt when I say the wrong thing, too!) 


Where in your life do you let other people’s comments upset you? Is it your boss, your sister, your mother-in-law? You can’t control what other people say (or think, or feel) but you CAN control how you respond to it. 


If you find yourself spinning and stuck because of someone else’s bad behavior, I can help. I am an expert at teaching my clients how to change their mindset to create a more positive, peaceful life. The first step is to set up a free discovery session with me here


PS One time someone said “wow you look exactly like your mom” to my daughter. Instead of just saying thanks I explained that she is adopted, and how she probably doesn’t really look like me, it’s more like we dress alike and talk alike, ya know like a nurture thing. Then I told him how she does really look just like her birth mom, and how we love that, etc. I think he was real sorry that he mentioned it at all (and eager to wait on the next customer in line at the airport bookstore). See, sometimes I need to just zip it, too. 🤣😂