Putting your left shoe on first

When you take a shower, what do you wash first? (Left arm for me.)


When you put on makeup, where do you start? (Right eyebrow, here.) 


When you put on tennis shoes, which foot do you start with? (Left. But I don’t tie it until the right one is on too).  


You probably had to think about what your answers were for those. You probably don’t have to think at all when you actually do them. That’s the magic of a habit. It’s on autopilot and we don’t even have to consciously think about it. 


This is mostly awesome, unless it’s a habit or a thought that we want to STOP doing. 


If you challenged me to put on my right shoe first every day for 90 days, I could do it. BUT, I’d need to really focus to remember to put the right one on first. I’d feel uncomfortable doing my routine in “backward order” until it became the new normal and I could do it automatically. 


The same is true of our thoughts. 


When you sit down at your desk in the morning, you might have a habit of thinking “I have so much to do. I will never get this done” which will make you feel overwhelmed.  


When you walk in your house and it’s a mess, you might have a habit of thinking “No one appreciates me, I have to do everything” which will create a feeling of resentment. 


Just like you can put your right shoe on first with practice, you can change your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will change the way you feel. Imagine if you could stop feeling overwhelmed and resentful, and start feeling relaxed and grateful. It changes everything. 


If you have thoughts, habits or routines that aren’t serving you, I can help. I’m an expert at helping my clients create the life they WANT instead of just reacting to what life gives them. The first step is to set up a free discovery call, which you can do right here

PS Does anyone really put lipstick on first? Surely not.

Michelle Gauthier