Thinking BIG to start the new year

I LOVE the fresh start of a new year. This week I’ve been in big-picture thinking mode. Have you started working on your 2023 goals yet? If not, thinking BIG is a great way to start.

Before I dive into how to do that, I want to warn you that when you dream up big ideas, your brain will likely offer thoughts like:

💭That’s too much to ask for!

💭How could you afford that??

💭When could you actually do that?

💭That’s impossible.

Just tell your busy brain to shhhhh for a minute and daydream about the biggest, best, seemingly-impossible version of your desire.

Here’s what to do. Start with a particular area of your life - maybe your career, your home, parenting, romantic relationship, adventure . . . whatever appeals to you. Then think about your biggest, best-case-scenario-dream for that area, which we’ll call the BCSD for short.

For example:

Normal thought: I’d like to write a book one day.

BCSD: I’d love for someone to hear about me, ask me to write a book, and pay me an advance to write it. The words will flow out of me with almost no effort. The book will be a self help best seller and improve the lives of a million people.

Normal thought: It would be fun to take a trip for my 50th birthday.

BCSD: I want to rent a gorgeous beach front villa in Turks and Caicos and treat my whole crew to a week there, including a private chef to make our meals.

Normal thought: I want to get stronger.

BCSD: I want to be able to do 25 pull-ups, unbroken and unassisted. (Funny enough, this one feels the most impossible.)

Normal thought: I would love to take my kids out of the country on vacation.

BCSD: I want to move to Europe for the summer and travel around and experience new cultures with my kids and have the time of our lives.

Dreaming up seemingly impossible ideas is great for a couple of reasons. First, they help you get out of your comfort zone in a safe way. After all, you’re just thinking about it.

Second, when you focus on the impossible goal, they start to feel a little bit, well, possible!

Third, I believe that the universe always wants to deliver us what we want, so why not put it out there and see what happens?

Heck, the life I have right now was once an “impossible dream”!

I couldn’t imagine that I could actually quit my lucrative corporate job and instead support my family by being a life coach. But here I am, doing just that!

I couldn’t imagine being in a loving and trusting relationship after being a divorced single mom. But here I am, loving and trusting my Handsome Man Friend!

I had a dream to live in a beautiful home full of colorful art where everyone in it feels welcome and loved. And I live in it!

I would love to help you make your “impossible dreams” come true with 1 on 1 coaching. To learn more about what I do and how we would work together, set up a complimentary discovery call here.

PS If you read this and thought “I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t even know what my impossible dreams ARE” that’s ok too. I can help you figure it out.

Michelle Gauthier