More Organized = Less Overwhelm

I have a bin in my (organized) office closet that is labeled “labels”. 🤓🤣😂

For me, being organized is a necessity. It’s the thing that keeps my brain calm and orderly so that I can best manage my business, these darling children of mine, and our household. 

My “default setting” is to leave every drawer open, drop stuff everywhere, and lose my keys on the regular. My brain is always moving on to the next fun thing or idea. 

But when I let my default setting be in charge, my whole life feels like chaos and I hate it! 

So, here I am, Ms. Organized who still leaves the drawers open sometimes. Ok, all the time. But at least the drawers look nice inside? 

Do you function better in an organized space? Here are the steps for getting and staying super organized: 

1️⃣Choose a specific area (but don’t make the area “my whole house”). Start small, for example one cabinet in the kitchen. 

2️⃣Take a before pic. 

3️⃣Take it all out. (Don’t skip this step! It doesn’t take as long as you think.)

4️⃣Sort into one of these three piles: 



👈🏻throw away/recycle

Important note on the giveaway part: IF YOU WANT TO BE ORGANIZED YOU HAVE TO GET RID OF STUFF. It is possible to temporarily organize a bunch of stuff you don’t need/want/love but it won’t last. Trust me, I’ve tried. 

Ok, back to business. 

5️⃣Throw away or recycle the designated items. 

6️⃣Put the giveaways into a bag and put the bag in your car so you can drop it off at Goodwill or wherever you like to donate. If you like to sell stuff online, that’s fine, but if you’re trying to get the job done, giving things away is the fastest way to finish the project. 

7️⃣Now you just have what you’re going to keep. If there’s too much to put back into the space, go back to step 4. 

8️⃣Put it back in an organized fashion. Label it, if it suits you, and show your family so they know where things go. 

9️⃣Take an “after” pic and pat yourself on the back! 

If you have a really hard time giving away something that was a gift or belonged to a family member, read this for tips

If dealing with all of the papers that come into your house every week stress you out, try this

Decluttering your phone is a quick and easy place to start. Here’s how 

Looking for a place to start? Check out this list of ideas for small but impactful areas to organize.