The Witching Hour

My mom used to call the hour between school ending and dinner “the witching hour”. Everyone is crabby and hungry and tired.  


When you walk in the door after work (even if you are just walking from another area of your house), your role changes. Your work day might be finished, but your day is far from over. 


One tip for making the witching hour less witchy is to implement a mindful transition from work to home. 


Here’s how: 

Do something.  Create a short, small routine. Doing this routine will remind your brain and body that you’re switching from work mode to home mode. Maybe you go to your room and take off your jewelry, or change clothes, or put away your work stuff, or drink a big glass of water, or do one round of square breathing. Do this routine on your own, even if it means going in the bathroom and locking the bathroom door. After you finish, then 

Think something. Create a simple thought like “I’m home now” or “the work day is done” or “now it’s family time”. It’s even more powerful if you say this thought out loud to yourself or to your family. 


That’s it! Simple, mindful, and powerful. Feel free to reply with any questions or just to let me know how it worked for you.

PS You can help your kids, even little kids, create their own mindful transitions too.


PPS I help my clients stop feeling overwhelmed so they can enjoy their lives. I offer a free discovery session so that you can learn more about coaching and I can learn more about you . Sign up here.