Just Delete It

Today’s holiday tip is quick and easy:  delete one thing from your list of things to do. 

Not because it’s done, but because you’re just not doing it. Simply drop it.

For example, if you make 5 kinds of cookies to bring to work, just don’t do it this year. Don’t send holiday cards. Don’t put up outdoor lights. If working out feels like too much today, ditch it. Just choose one item and delete it from the list. 

If your brain is saying “I can’t do that!” or you start feeling guilty just thinking about it, that’s okay. Just feel the discomfort, and delete it anyway. 

My extended family decided to not exchange gifts this year. It was too much of a hassle, shopping and buying and mailing things we probably didn’t even need across the country. My sister and I felt guilty, and discussed maybe just exchanging gifts among the kids. Then we realized, oh wait! That means we will have to draw the names, help our kids pick out the gifts, pay for the gifts, mail the gifts, and manage our own kids thanking whoever had their name. NO THANKS! So Merry Christmas family, love you guys. Your present is not sending or receiving gifts. 🎁