Their Bad Mood Doesn't Have to Be Yours

You're just cruising along, having a good productive day, when BOOM! You're suddenly interacting with

A cranky TSA agent, or
Your stressed out boss, or
Your surly teenager, or
A pissed-off toddler yelling, "Me do it!"

You find yourself sucked into their mood. Now YOU'RE cranky, stressed, surly, or pissed off yourself.


You can stay in your very own energy. Picture yourself in a bubble. Inside your bubble is the mood you're in. Imagine the other person's energy simply bouncing off your bubble. You don't have a problem with their mood, that's their choice, but you have a choice about yours.

Try saying “the energy in my bubble is . . . “ (calm, happy, productive, whatever your mood is).

When you live in the bubble, you get to pick your mood every time. And you can let other people live in theirs, too.

PS This also works when you're feeling sad or down and need to just feel that way. When you're sad and not ready to be cheered up, it's okay to stay in your sad bubble if that serves you!

MoodMichelle Gauthier