Favorite Books

People often ask me for “life coachy” book recommendations. I have to many favorites, but these are the 3 I recommend most often:


You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. 

If you are making less than you’d like and worry that there’s never enough money, this is the book for you. If you are offended by the F word, this is not the book for you! Jen Sincero is hilarious and gently but firmly walks you through changing your money mindset to make more and love money without feeling guilty about it. 


Favorite quote: “The walls of your comfort zone are lovingly decorated with your lifelong collection of favorite excuses.”


Untamed by Glennon Doyle 

If you feel like you give so much of yourself to everyone else that there’s no “you” left, this is a fantastic book about dropping societal expectations and truly finding yourself - while also knowing that it’s always evolving and that’s ok. My sister and I read this together during COVID and we still talk about it often. 


Favorite quote: “When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself.”


The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy 


If you are a high achiever, yet still feel like you’re never doing enough, check out this book. Of all of the books I gift my clients, this one seems to have the most life-changing impact. This book will teach you to measure yourself against your former self, and focus on the gain/wins/good stuff. Trust me, this one is awesome. 


Favorite quote: “If you measure your current self against your previous self — and notice the gain you’ve made between yesterday and today — you’ll experience happiness, satisfaction, and confidence.”

Have you read these? What are your favorite books?

PS If you've read all of these, here are a couple more good ones!


PPS I see clients on 1 on 1. If you're interested in coaching, set up a free discovery session to find out more.