How to get un-stuck

We all get stuck sometimes and can’t decide what to do. Maybe it’s a tricky relationship, or a job you’re really sick of, or something as simple as deciding what to wear.  Often it’s easier to just keep going - stay in that relationship, go to the job you hate, wear the same black sweater again. 

One quick way to shake loose from the stuck-ness is to grab a piece of paper and brainstorm 5 actions you could take. This list should include things you won’t actually do. Just the action of brainstorming five solutions reminds you that you DO have options even when it doesn’t feel like it. 

Situation: I plan all of my friend get togethers. Without me, they won’t do anything. 

What’s the BIGGEST action I could take? 

✏️Delete all of my friends from my phone and never talk to them again. 

What’s the SMALLEST or least action I could take? 

✏️Simply don’t initiate making plans and just see what happens.  

What are 3 medium sized actions I could take? 

✏️Complain to my husband about it but keep planning everything. 

✏️Text my friends and ask if someone else can plan the next happy hour.

✏️Keep planning all of the events but make them less frequent. 

The ideas you come up with and eventually choose are less important than the brainstorming itself. Coming up with the ideas, even the ones you know you won’t do, helps to shake loose the “stuck” feeling and remind you that you always have choices. You don’t actually “have to” to do anything. Now that you’re un-stuck, pick your action and go for it! 

PS I help my clients get un-stuck. Read their success stories here (shared with their permission!). 

PPS In my case it’s actually “wear that PINK sweater again” 👚