Improve your life ➡️ improve their lives

My kids love that I’m a life coach. They respect my advice. They ask for it often and always do exactly what I suggest.


They are kids after all, and at ages 12 and 15, they sort of roll their eyes at everything I say.


When you model a mindful, calm, authentic life, your kids notice. And even follow suit. I’ve noticed this with my own kids, and my clients tell me they see this in their children, too.

Before my clients work with me, they feel stuck and overwhelmed. This feeling affects everything - including their children.

When momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

When my clients start working with me, they start feeling hopeful, calm, and confident. They learn tools to manage how they feel and get what they want.

 When momma feels better, everybody feels better!

It’s a happy side effect of coaching with me. Your kids will see what you’re doing, and will also feel better. Even the cranky teens who barely talk to you.   

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and it’s bleeding over into your family’s life too, come and coach with me. You’ll start feeling better right away, and as you model these tools in your life, your family will benefit too.

Set up a free consultation with me to learn more about coaching and building a happier life.

PS Real quotes from kids (mine and my clients’), shared with permission:

“I have a feeling in my stomach, I can’t tell if it’s nervous or mad. It feels like little butterflies and it’s going into my arms, too.” (Concept: Feelings always show up in our body. Naming them and being curious about them makes them less powerful and scary. Any feeling is ok.)

“I can’t sleep, which meditation do you think I should try?” (Concept: Meditation is a way to soothe a busy mind.)

“It’s not my responsibility to make sure my friends are happy. They have choices just like I do.” (Concept: You are only in control of how YOU feel. You can’t make other people feel a certain way.)

“Mom I feel panicky, but I can’t figure out the thought that’s causing it so I’m just sitting here to see if I can find it.” (Concept: Feelings are always created by a thought, and knowing what that thought is makes the feeling less powerful.)

“I feel nervous, can you hold my hand and do the breathing with me?” (Concept: Using square breathing or any kind of diaphragmatic breathing can help you instantly feel less anxious.)