It’s almost here… announcement + contest!

I am thrilled to share with you that my new podcast, Overwhelmed Working Woman, will be launching on Monday, April 24th! ​​​​​​​​​

This podcast is a passion project that I created to help all the overwhelmed women in my life, including myself.

As a working mom of two delightful and never-ever-sarcastic teens, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance a busy day job and still have enough energy and time to be a present parent and loving partner. I also understand the pressure of trying to get everyone to their horse lessons and soccer games while simultaneously trying to carve out time to work on your health or self-improvement goals.

Podcasts were my lifeline during some of my toughest times. They gave me inspiration, insights, and tools that helped me to stay calm and focused even when everything around me felt like it was falling apart.

That's why I created Overwhelmed Working Woman. I want to provide other women like me with the coaching, tips, and strategies they need to thrive, no matter how busy or overwhelming their lives may seem.

Ready to feel less overwhelmed and win some prizes while you’re at it? To celebrate the launch of my podcast and in order to help as many overwhelmed working women as possible, I am running a contest where you can win some incredible prizes. This includes a prize pack of my favorite personal growth books, a $100 Amazon gift card, and even a deep-dive coaching session with me! For every social post/share and podcast review, you’ll be entered to win. Easy! Stay tuned for all the details - links and instructions will be in the email I send to announce the podcast next Monday morning.

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