Mother's Day

I’ve already gotten my Mother’s Day present, and it was the best present ever - a clean garage!

The firewood is neatly stacked, the e-bikes have a perfect parking spot near their charger, there’s plenty of room for my car and more importantly ALL OF THE CRAP IS GONE! 

Do you know how I got this amazing gift? I asked for it. My kids and their dad spent all day Saturday working on it while I was out of town.

I’m also getting a massage this weekend. Can you guess who booked that? Me. 

I will enjoy the massage to the fullest, and the fact that I booked it myself will not cause me any distress. After all, having a massage that you booked yourself > no massage. 

Mamas! Do not sit around and wait for someone else to ask what you want and then get hurt feelings if they don't. Just ask for what you'd really like for your special day.

Mother’s Day love to every one of you, 

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PS If you’ve lost your mom, or you aren't a mom but wish you were, or are a birthmother who placed your baby for adoption, or a bonus mom or any kind of mom - you can spend this day in whatever day feels good for you, too. You might want to celebrate, or feel sad, or honor your choices in some way. Get what you need