Introducing the Overwhelmed Working Woman Podcast!

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my brand new podcast, Overwhelmed Working Woman!

This podcast is all about helping busy women like you manage your work and personal life while feeling fulfilled and balanced. I'll be sharing practical tips, inspiring stories, and expert interviews to support you on your journey.

I've poured my heart and soul into this podcast, and I can't wait for you to listen to the first three episodes. They’re available right now on Apple and Spotify, so be sure to subscribe and tune in.

How can you be on the hype team for this launch!? I’m so glad you asked! The first week of a podcast launch is a big deal for the algorithm gods. It would mean the world if you joined in to help make this a success. Here’s how you can help AND win some amazing prizes:

1️⃣ Subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform (like Apple or Spotify)

2️⃣ Listen to one, two, or all three episodes

3️⃣ Write a review and hit those 5 stars and reply back with your screenshot

- and/or -

4️⃣ Post on your account or share one of my social media posts promoting the podcast on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Be sure to tag me or send me an email when you share so you get on the list for prizes!

For every review and social post, just send over a screenshot and you’ll be entered to win a prize pack of my favorite personal growth books, a $100 Amazon gift card, or a deep dive coaching session with me!

New podcast and prizes? What a great Monday!

PS This podcast has been a goal of mine for a while, and I'm so excited to see it come to life! Do you have a goal that you just haven't been able to make any headway on? I can help! Set up a free coaching consultation and let's get after it!