The downside to being capable and dependable

I’m going to guess that you are capable, reliable, dependable, and responsible. And that’s awesome. I bet it has served you well in life.


But sometimes when we are Queen Capable, we also become Queen Overwhelmed, because we project a “I’ve got this” vibe and don’t ask for help, even when we could really use some. 

Here are some thoughts to practice to remind yourself that you can be yourself, and also not do everything

💭 I am capable and I can also ask for help. 

💭 I am responsible and I can also take a break.

💭 I am dependable and also don’t have to be in charge of everything. 

💭 When I ask for help and someone does something differently than I would have, the job is still done. 


Do you need help saying no, setting boundaries, and allowing other people to help you? Those are some of the major areas we’ll cover in 1 on 1 coaching. Set up a (free) session with me if you want to learn more. 

PS Don’t worry, you won’t turn into a damsel in distress if you ask for help. I don’t think you could even if you tried. You’re too darn capable for that. XO