COVID in the house

I got my wisdom teeth out when I was 42, which is probably about 25 years past the prime age to get them out. It was pretty awful. I had swollen cheeks and a bruised face for more than a week. The old Michelle handled it as old Michelle did - missed a half day of work and went back the day after, in pain and looking like this:


(So embarrassing. Cannot believe I’m sharing.)

I was running a major project and I thought it would all fall apart if I was out for a few days.

I didn’t want to ask for help.

I wanted everyone to know that even if I was in pain, I would be there. Nothing could stop me.

I’m sure I made the pain last much longer than it needed to because I refused to just be sick and rest.

In hindsight, I don’t even remember what the project was about. The company I was working for is now non-existent. Something that seemed SO URGENT at the time really wasn’t a big deal. At all.

Fast forward to me having COVID last week. I honestly felt miserable. I canceled my clients. I slept and binge watched Queen Charlotte and drank a lot of water and orange juice. I asked for help to get the food and medicine I needed. I let my kids take care of me.

None of my clients were upset with me. The world didn’t stop turning because I wasn’t productive for a week. It felt so much better to give in, and to rest, than to fight against it.

As women, we often feel that we are absolutely indispensable and that we HAVE to do everything all the time. It’s not true. We can be humans. Humans get sick. Rest up when you need it, and don’t act like that ridiculous, pale, chipmunk pictured above. 🐿️

PS Can you see yourself in my first story? If so, 1 on 1 coaching with me could be just the thing you need to help you avoid your own chipmunk moment. Set up a (free) session with me to learn more!   

RestMichelle Gauthier