When a B- is better than an A+

When I first became a coach in 2017, I saw clients on the side and did my corporate job full time. I also had two young kids and was holding on to the last strings of my marriage. 


I was trying my hardest in every area of my life. But even my best wasn’t cutting it, because I was exhausted. Something had to give. 


(Are you like this? Do you like to do the absolute best work in all areas of your life? Why are we like this!?) 


My mentality was “A+ or bust" and the trouble with that approach is . . .  it’s impossible. 


At some point, the wheels start to fall off. Maybe you start having back pain or you get sick or you forget to pick up a kid somewhere or make a big mistake at work. 


It is time for you to start doing some B- work. Choose an area of your life where you don’t have to deliver your absolute very best at all times. 


In my case, I chose work. I still did a good job but quit working long hours, said no to travel, and let my team handle things. I kept a sticky note on my monitor that said “it’s ok to do B- work” so I wouldn’t forget. It sort of pained me every time I read it. (Growth is uncomfortable, don’t forget.)


Guess what? I lived. I gave myself some breathing room and felt like I could think straight again. 


Where can you do some B- work today? I really want to know! Reply and tell me what you choose.

PS If not doing your absolute best in everything seems utterly impossible for you, coaching can help! 

I specialize in helping overwhelmed working women reduce stress and gain focus. Schedule a free consultation with me here