Sweat the small stuff

Finishing a huge project at work is celebration-worthy. So is finally starting that business, or having a child, or getting a promotion. 

But you know what else is celebratory? All the little things that got you there. 

πŸŽ‰ that time you said no to working late
πŸŽ‰ when you first told someone your business idea  
πŸŽ‰ that time you spoke up in a meeting, instead of keeping your great idea to yourself 
πŸŽ‰ the night you got 8 hours of sleep because you made it a priority
πŸŽ‰when your child was cranky and you weren’t - you didn’t even lose your cool 
πŸŽ‰ that morning when you got up a few minutes early to do a morning routine 

Focusing on those small wins help you realize that you are changing for the better. And that's always worth celebrating! 

Think about what your small wins are this week. Tell a friend. Tell your journal. Tell your dog! Tell me!

PS I have one-on-one coaching spots open right now. If you need to make a big change in your life, I can help you do that - one small win at a time. Schedule a free consultation here