A wreck of a week

Last week was a total sh*t show around here. Nothing truly bad happened, but it was the exact definition of overwhelm: life was coming at me faster than I could process it.

12 clients, 2 podcasts plus a million kid things: cheer camp, horse lessons, driver’s test (wrote a whole podcast on that 7 hour endeavor), cross country practice. Orthodontist, dentist, AND doctor appointments.

The most annoying part is that every single one of these appointments was either scheduled by or approved by me.

I DID THIS TO MYSELF. I tried to cram every single “end of summer” appointment and activity into one week, without changing my usual work schedule. I know better than this.

Why are we like this? Why does our brain default to trying to do as much as possible in the shortest amount of time?

What I was reminded of last week is that I CAN do a million things in a week, as long as I am willing to feel annoyed, overwhelmed, and flustered.

I am not willing to feel annoyed, overwhelmed and flustered. This week, I am back to choosing calm and scheduling a manageable amount of things on my calendar. I’m back to being calm and nice. Someone tell my kids so they can come out of hiding.

PS If the idea of choosing calm sounds impossible to you right now, that’s okay. I can help you create a life with less stress and more peace. Schedule a free consultation with me here.