Curating what you allow in your mind

Things you’ll never see me doing:

➖ Watching a movie/TV show that is violent, sad, or disturbing. (Yes, that pretty much only leaves Love Actually and Ted Lasso and I’m fine with that).

➖ Scrolling through news websites or news social media accounts. My news comes from CBS Sunday Morning and my social media is filled with good news sites like Upworthy and Global Positive News.

➖ Listening to a true crime podcast. I’ve tried. It just makes me think that 50% of men are serial killers and/or have a second family. Do not send me hate mail about this. They are not for me.

Things you WILL see me doing:

➕ Spending time with people I love to be around.

➕ Reading books that help me learn cool things, or fiction best sellers (as long as they fit my criteria - no depressing books. I’m looking at you, Oprah’s Book Club).

➕ Curating my social media. I hide or unfollow things that don’t serve me. I follow all of the things I love - laughing babies and puppies and stylists and coaches and interior designers and colorful things and people who crack me up. This librarian is my current fave - he’s such an inclusive, sweet, encouraging person.

You might hate my list and call me Pollyanna. That’s fine with me!

But think about what YOU want to allow in your brain, your energy, your whole being. And then take the steps to curate your life to align with that.

You are always in charge of what you allow.

Babies and puppies forever!

PS If you are looking for positive and encouraging content, you should follow me on IG, too!