Mad Libs

Fill in the blank:

I will stop feeling overwhelmed when _________________.

What was your answer?

Maybe over the past 6 months, that blank has been filled in with:

“When summer starts” or
“When we go on vacation” or
“When this project ends”
“When school is back in session”

but now it’s

“When fall sports are over” or
“My boss gets a new job” or
“It’s fall break”

A change in circumstance won’t cure overwhelm. You can start feeling better now and I can teach you how.

Creating a calm, simple life is all about changing your THOUGHTS and your ACTIONS, not about waiting for an outside circumstance to set you free.

Just imagine that 6 months from now, you could fill in this blank:

I’m no longer overwhelmed because ___________.

Let’s get started! Click here to sign up for a free consultation with me to learn more about my 6 month coaching.

PS Not sure if coaching is for you? Check out the Client Stories section on my website! You'll be inspired by the awesome changes my clients have made, and I promise you this: you can do it too! 

OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier