Living the Dream

Six years ago, I was an overwhelmed, stressed out working mama.

I tried working harder and harder to try to get the overwhelm to go away.

👶 I’d volunteer more at my kids’ school to get rid of the guilt.

⌨️ I’d work until midnight to get rid of the constant pile of emails in my inbox.

It didn’t work. The guilt and overwhelm might have gone away for a few minutes, but it always came back.

At one point, my blood pressure was so high that it was considered a “hypertensive emergency”. My body was telling me it was all too much, but I just kept working, hoping time would solve it. I was sure I’d be less busy at work, and it would be easier when my kids got older.

But, the longer I waited, the more overwhelmed I felt.

In the end, what I needed to feel better was actually available to me all along. I had to change my mindset - to believe that it was possible for me to have the kind of life I dreamed about - and start taking action to get there.

This is why I’ve created The Good Life. It blends mindset changes with taking inspired action to create the calm, intentional life you dream of.

Specifically we will figure out your #1 goal, and you will make that goal come to fruition with the tools you learn.


If you are ready to stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

If you are ready to start connecting with an amazing group of women to learn every tool you need to change your life.

If you’re ready to stop feeling guilty about everything you aren’t doing.

If you desire to be present instead of distracted.

I would LOVE to have you.

Registration closes on Thursday and the doors won’t open again until August, so sign up now!


PS Need some help adjusting your expectations and not sweating the small stuff? The first step is setting up a discovery session with me right here.