Reality TV, Here I Come!

Guess what!

Today I’m heading off on brave and bold adventure. For the next week, I’m going to be participating in a reality TV show! It’s a competition for business owners. I’m super excited for all I will learn, and all of the connections I’ll make. I’m confident that this will help me take my business to the next level.

BUT. . . I don’t feel as brave and bold as I did when I signed the contract to be part of the cast months ago!

It’s time for me to take some of my own medicine. When my clients make big changes or take bold steps into the future they want, they feel fear, just like I do today.

Fear always comes along with change. It’s okay to let the fear be there, it just needs to be right-sized. I first imagine that my boulder-sized fear shrinks down to the size of a tennis ball. That way I can hold it in my hand, or drop it in my purse.

In my mind, this right-sized fear ball is covered with fluffy fur like a stuffed animal. Kind of like this AI-generated little guy!


I imagine that furry, harmless ball in my hand or in my purse, and when it calls out for attention to tell me, “This is a terrible idea! Go back home!” I can just pat it and say, “Thanks for trying to keep me safe, I hear you. But we’re good! I’m doing this.”

Wish me luck, friends!

PS  I talk about how I attracted this opportunity for myself on this podcast episode #44: Manifesting with Your Mindset

PPS  I’ll be posting about this throughout the week in stories. Follow me on IG if you’re interested!