The Story I Tell is the One that Comes True

“Life isn’t fair, bad things always happen to me.”

If this is the story you tell yourself, your brain will automatically look for situations to prove that this is true. Then you’ll find proof, like your car getting a flat tire on a rainy day. Then you’ll think “life isn’t fair” again. Then you’ll find more proof, like a delayed flight on your vacation. And just like that, the story of “life isn’t fair” becomes a loop habit in your brain that plays over and over.

“I can’t get my schedule under control, I’ll always be overwhelmed.”

If this is the story you tell yourself, your brain will automatically look for situations to prove that this is true. Then you’ll find proof, like being double booked all day for meetings. Then you’ll think “I can't get this under control” again. Then you’ll find more proof, like missing your child’s baseball game because it wasn’t on your calendar. And just like that, the story of “I can’t get this under control” becomes a loop habit in your brain that plays over and over.

It’s totally possible to break these thought loops. It just takes a little practice. Reply and tell me what your looping thought is, and I’ll give you advice on how to kick it to the curb, with love.

PS   My old thought loop was, “If I can’t do this perfectly or make a mistake, I’m not enough and everyone will know”. I didn’t even realize I was thinking that, it was unconscious. No one ever said that to me, or told me that I had to be perfect. Our brain just offers thoughts, and mine offered that one. And I believed it for a long time. It’s so freeing to break free!