Out of Office

Sometimes transitioning to “vacation” mode can actually be really hard. We are so used to going at 100 mph that it can be hard to slow down. You might feel the urge to check your emails or plan too many activities.

Here are my best tips for being more present:

1. Tune in with your senses. When you’re sitting on the beach with your family and notice that you’re thinking about a stressful problem at work, it’s time to tune into the present. Look around at your current surroundings and ask yourself what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Seeing the bright blue sky, hearing the ocean waves, smelling your sunscreen, feeling the sand in your toes, and tasting that salty air will bring you right back to where you are.

2. Schedule worry time. If you find yourself worrying about work or other people, schedule time to think about these things later. Put it on your calendar so you can stop worrying in the moment and be present with your family.

3. Step away from the phone. Yes, I know this one is so obvious but it’s also such a habit. Notice how much you’re looking at your phone on vacation. Limit your screen time and avoid the temptation to constantly check your phone. Leave your phone in another room or at least in the bottom of your bag to help you stay present and engaged with your surroundings and your people. 

These tips work whether you're on the beach in some far-flung location or having a stay-cation at home. Give them a try! 

PS Your vacation time is precious - it's worth making the most of! If turning work 'off' is something you really struggle with, I can help! Click here to learn about coaching.