My Mom & Your 5 People

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" - Jim Rohn

Do you believe that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? I do! But I'd like to change that statement a little because in my opinion, we are the average of the 5 adults who we choose to spend time the most time with. 

Are your choices bringing your average up, or down?  

There are some people I spend time with who ALWAYS make me feel better than before I saw them, even if I wasn't feeling bad in the first place. Connecting with them makes me a better person. I can always learn something from their example or attitude. These people are hard to come by and I cherish them.  

One of my top 5 is my Mom. Today is actually her 70th birthday, which got me thinking about how she has influenced not just my life, but the lives of so many others too. She has an opportunity to influence so many people because she has kept every friend she's ever made (trust me, I order her Christmas cards for her!), comes from a huge family, and taught pre-school for many years.

 My mom has many wonderful qualities, but the one I admire the very most is her generosity.

 Generosity can mean a lot of things. My mom is ALL OF THEM. She is generous with her time, her money, her sincere compliments, her belongings.


If you are my brother's friend from high school who she hasn't seen in 20 years, and you have a baby, you can bet on a homemade meal and an offer to babysit.  

If you work at a doctor's office she's visiting, and she observes you being kind to an elderly man she doesn't even know, she'll be back the next day with cookies and a handwritten note telling you that she noticed.  

If you are a neighbor with young kids, she'll notice the ways in which you are a great mom, and write you a card to remind you. And probably babysit your kids so you can have a night out, too!  

If you've known her since you were a kid, there's a very good chance that she once sewed you a Halloween costume. And possibly one for your kids, too.  

If you are in a financially tight spot, you'll probably find a grocery store gift card in your mailbox.  

She has a true gift for not just being generous, but actively looking for ways in which she can serve others. She gives whatever they need to make them feel noticed, special, and loved.  


Happy Birthday, Mom. Thanks for bringing my average way, way up. I love you and admire you. I hope I can be just like you.