The Perfect Blueberry

A recent conversation in my kitchen went like this . . .

Me: "Wow, look at this giant blueberry! It makes me so happy when the weather is warm and the blueberries are the perfect size and color and flavor."

7 year old: "I totally get that Mom. I feel that way about butter."

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Amen, little girl. Great point.

Luckily, we all have things that make us feel that little surge of joy. Taking the time to notice and appreciate that joy makes us look for more of it, too.

Earlier this week I posted a poll on what little things like make people happy on my closed facebook group (Please join this fun group if you haven't already!). I loved the responses. Reading everyone's little happy moments gave me some ideas for even more of my own. 

Next time you're feeling a little "blah" pick a couple from the list, or come up with your own! When you feel that little spark of joy, you can pass it on just by having that happy energy flowing through you. 

Little happy moments you all shared, in no particular order

  1. Coffee and/or Diet Coke in so many ways - first cup of the day, delivered coffee, drive thru coffee, coffee with a beautiful view, coffee while everyone is asleep. Basically if you need a little joy, grab some coffee!

  2. Kids - Giggles, snuggles, hearing them chat or play

  3. Nature's gifts - a beautiful view, baby goats, firepit fire, fireplace fire, fall, flowers

  4. Alone time - prayer, meditation, running, silence

  5. Connection time - sharing a moment with a spouse or friend to connect

  6. Books - opening a new box of books, picking a library book, the smell of books, the excitement of amazon boxes on the porch - books made the list repeatedly!

  7. Food - blueberries, chocolate chip cookies, smores . . .

And if all else fails, there's always butter.

If you're ready to bring more calm and peace into your life, let's work together. Have a great weekend!

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