Do You Feel Pretty?


Last weekend I saw the movie "I Feel Pretty" with Amy Schumer, and I loved it. Basically, Amy Schumer is insecure and body conscious until she hits her head (by falling off a bike in Soul Cycle! That could totally happen to me!) and wakes up believing she is beautiful with a perfect body. Her life completely changes as a result. Keep in mind nothing about her physical self actually changed, only her THOUGHTS did.

Think about that for a minute . . .

Our brain suggests thoughts to us.

We either let those thoughts pass by or we grab the thought and believe it.

The thoughts we believe drive our feelings.

And in turn, our feelings drive the way we behave in the world.

What if you believed the good, helpful thoughts your brain suggests and said "thanks but no thanks" to the ones that aren't helpful or useful?

Let's say you started a new job and were thinking one of two thoughts:

"I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, who would ever hire me for this job. Everyone will soon realize I'm a fraud." OR

"I am a competent person and hard worker with great experience. If I don't know something, I have the confidence to ask for help and the skills to figure it out. I look forward to learning new things and meeting new people."

Now imagine how you would carry yourself as you walk into a conference room for a meeting while thinking and believing thought #1 vs. #2.  It's completely different, right?

Your brain will likely suggest thought #1 for you. Brains are good that way, they like to go into protection mode and remind us all of the ways we should feel fear. The beauty is we can choose to believe that thought, or not.

Try noticing a thought you're having this week that is driving a feeling or behavior you don't like. Notice it without judging yourself for having the thought. Then consider some alternative thoughts and see if you find one that feels as true but makes you feel or behave in a way that feels good.


"Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones." - Mike Dooley


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