Keeping It Real

Yesterday, I got up early as usual. I meditated, reviewed my already planned to the minute day, and went for a run. My daughter didn’t feel great so I let her stay home, and my son Oliver was already home on spring break. I had plans to see several clients, meet up with friends at Oliver’s favorite place (a skate park), and then in the evening co-host an in person workshop with my friend and fellow Life Coach Bobbie Caskey.


Late in the morning, my daughter started feeling worse. She seemed feverish. I had to cancel plans with Oliver (thank goodness my friend took him with her family so he didn’t have to miss). Meanwhile, I called my sister-in-law to see if she could watch my sick child while I left to do the workshop. She agreed right away. Another one of my best friends offered to get a sitter for her own children, to come and watch mine. I had options. I didn’t want to let Bobbie down, or the people who had signed up for the workshop.

Something didn’t feel “right” about the plans I had made, so I listened to my own advice, exactly what I’d tell a client to do, and wondered “what does my gut say”? It said cancel. It said stay home with my daughter. I called Bobbie, she was gracious and supportive. We emailed the participants who were also super understanding and kind. I felt a million times better knowing I didn’t have to leave her. Her fever was 102.5 after ibuprofen and she was feeling worse and worse. I took her to urgent care and she had strep. We were up most of the night, waiting for the meds to kick in. Finally about 4 am her fever broke and she started to feel better.

This story is something that any mom could or has handled. I’m not sharing this because it’s unique. I’m telling you this to remind you that you ALWAYS know the answer. Get quiet, listen to your gut, and you’ll know what to do. In my momentary panic, I forgot to do that. My sister in law reminded me. As soon as I did, I knew what to do, I did it, and I felt one million times better.

It’s also a great reminder to support each other. I had so many offers to watch my sick child, pick up medicine, bring her treats. I have an awesome network and I’m so grateful for them.

Today it’s back to business as usual. Here we are teaching my 12 pm video class, Clutter Free Living. Just a mom, a sort of sick girl, and her loyal pup.
