Energy & The One Ziplock Bag Rule

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Ok, I don't want to brag but when I went to France earlier this summer I did a SUPER AMAZING JOB packing for a week in a TEENY carry on suitcase. I was cruising through the airport, head held high, ready to breeze through security. I had packed all of my toiletries in ziplock bags by category. Hair stuff in one, face wash and creams in another, make up in third. I whipped my ziplocks out in security with a smile on my face. Until Ms. TSA crushed my perfect suitcase dreams and told me that I could only have one ziplock bag that she'd need to confiscate whatever didn't fit into said ziplock. (Or I could check my bag. I'd rather die.)


If you're thinking right now "duh, Michelle, everyone knows you can only have one ziplock" it feels important to note here that I am not a rule follower or noticer. At all. But I digress . . .

What does this story have to do with energy? Well, Ms. TSA actually had some pretty good energy. Yes, she going to ruin my perfect suitcase, but she was pretty nice about it. I tried to talk my way around this (ridiculous!!!) rule, but she wasn't having it. Again, she was firm but not miserable or hateful. In the end, I gave up my lowest-cost items, so no hair washing or tooth brushing for me in France.

I walked away and was mad about the dumb rule, but then I had a chance to check my own energy. Was I going to absorb negative energy and take that with me? No thanks! I confirmed my sister (my trusty travel partner) had everything I'd just had to give up, stopped in a store to buy a missing hair product, and was back to my happy self.

Right now, picture someone who always gives off good energy. Did you find yourself smiling a little bit?


Now, picture someone who usually gives off negative energy. How did that make you feel? I just cringed a little bit and found myself leaning back as if to keep their energy off me.

Other people's energy only rubs off on you if you let it. 

Imagine that the energy you hold and give off has to fit in one ziplock, and you can decide what to put in it. Fill it up with good energy and zip that baby closed when the negative energy comes by.

Notice the type of energy you get from the people you are around most of the time. Decide how you'd like to let that impact you. For example, if the woman in the office next door gives off great energy, stop by to say hello in the morning and absorb some of that and take it with you. If the customer you call on later that morning gives off a negative vibe, notice that and decide not to let that stick with you.  You can manage your own energy by noticing your own thoughts.

If you've had a negative energy encounter, take a minute to notice it. Consciously choose not to put it in your ziplock. Then do something to get you back in your positive vibe. Listen to a great song, bring a favorite memory to mind, pet your dog, text a friend, hug your kid, make some tea - whatever makes you feel good!

I'm collecting only good energy in my ziplock this week! Hope you can do the same.