Back to School is Awesome. Kinda.

Ah, back to school. You're here again. The official return to order and routine. Fresh new school supplies. Cleaning out last year's backpacks. (Raise your hand if you've ever found the last day of school lunch in there). The obligatory doctor appointments, haircuts, and "one last ice cream" runs that have to happen before the first day. Making school lunches. Getting kids to go to bed 2 hours earlier than they went to bed all summer. Juggling work with the 97 required "back to school" functions with a smile on your face. Locating and finishing summer homework that you haven't seen since June.

Somehow, we pull it off. Every. Dang. Year.

Yay, us! Way to go, Moms!

My kids actually start school 2 weeks apart, so I've been living in "in between land" where one is in full back to school routine, and one is in "hang on to the last drops of summer" mode. I've decided I like back to school better. By the end of summer, I do truly crave the routine that school automatically creates.

But that's not saying the transition is easy. Here are 3 things you can do to ease yourself back to the reality of school mode. I did all 3 of these and I'm telling you, it made a huge difference in my mindset. I felt so much more organized, calm and ready to tackle the school year.

  1. Remember Your Summer: Talk with your kids about what was the most fun. Have gratitude for the fun routine-less days of summer. Print a photo to frame or put on your fridge to remind you of the happy memories.

2. Calendar Update: One night I stayed up until midnight, consolidating all of my calendars and putting each kid's school calendar on my phone. It's a small thing, but it made me feel a million times better just knowing all of the important dates are in there.

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3. De-Clutter Your Phone: Do you know that studies estimate that Americans pick up their phone at least 80 and up to 2000 times PER DAY? Why not feel relaxed when you pick yours up? The instructions are here. It will take you about 20 minutes. It is so worth it! Your brain will thank you.

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Good luck, back to schoolers. We can do this!