Teeny Organizing Projects

The moment the clock strikes midnight on January 1st, I want to immediately have every area of my life perfectly organized. I want to run my life with the efficiency of a swiss watch. I want to wave a pretty, sparkly magic wand to make my whole house sparkle and shine with color coded efficiency. 

But until I invent that magic wand, I’ll have to organize myself. When I asked all of you in Calm Moms Collective what your biggest goal was for the new year, a ton of you responded with organizing. 

The problem with having “organize my life” as a goal is that it’s usually so big and so overwhelming we don’t know where to start. And that leads us to do . . . nothing. 

Here’s what I propose. Do something! Do a teeny tiny little organizing project. Start to finish in 30 minutes or less. I promise it will make you feel amazing and very likely inspire you to do another teeny tiny little organizing project. 

Pick an area. Get everything out. Toss or donate what you don’t want. Put back neatly what you do want. Done. 

Rinse and repeat! 

Here are some ideas to get you started: 

book shelf.jpg
  1. Your purse 

  2. Your wallet 

  3. Your car 

  4. A bookshelf, or section of a bookshelf 

  5. Silverware drawer 

  6. Sock drawer 

  7. Amazon account - remove old addresses, update payment methods 

  8. Contacts - delete old or out of date, sync  

  9. Passwords - collect all of your passwords and get a free account with the app Last Pass and never have to find or remember them again

  10. Finances - review credit card bills for charges you no longer want - is Hulu charging you $54 a month that you didn’t even realize? Me too. 

  11. Calendar - look at the next 3 months. Update all known appointments. Remove what you aren’t going to do anymore. 

Let me know which one you choose and how it feels. I’m here to cheer you on! 

Organizing, PlanningGuest User