Dress for your destination


A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of traveling to NYC with my sister to celebrate her birthday. As I was in line at Starbucks in the St. Louis airport on my way out of town, I noticed the couple in front of me were dressed in shorts and flip flops, despite the 30 degree temp in St. Louis that morning.

They were clearly headed somewhere warm - maybe Jamaica, maybe Mexico, but certainly not NYC. I, on the other hand, was wearing leggings, a sweater, warm-ish boots (not warm enough, yet cute enough for NYC), and a coat. I was definitely not going to Jamaica on this trip.

Where are you going right now? 

Are you properly dressed for where you’re headed? 

When I say “properly dressed” I do mean clothes, but even more so I mean your attitude, your mindset, and your actions. 

If you're a woman who wants to have less on her calendar, you practice saying "no" and stop being the person who says yes to everything. Every morning, get dressed and ask yourself the question "what would a woman who is in control of her own schedule do today?” 

Pretty soon, others will notice that you’re “going to Jamaica” so to speak. They’ll know you aren’t the person to ask for everything every time anymore. They’ll notice you’re calmer and less frantic. And you’ll feel amazing. 


If you're in a toxic relationship, you start focusing on loving yourself, and giving yourself what you need, regardless of what the other person does. Every morning, get dressed and ask yourself “what would a woman who loves herself do today?” Pretty soon, others will notice that you’re “going to Jamaica.” They’ll know you love and respect yourself a little more than you did yesterday. They’ll see you setting boundaries. They’ll notice you leaving work on time to take a walk. And you’ll feel a little better with each step in the direction of self love. 

If you need help figuring out how to dress for your intended destination, ask me. I’m great at helping you take small steps, one at a time, until you arrive. 

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