Are you winning the Busy Olympics? 🏅

Have you ever been part of or heard a conversation that goes like this?

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“How was your weekend?” 

“OMG, we are just CRAZY BUSY. We were out of town for Jemma’s soccer tournament, then had to get back in time for Zoey’s dance recital. My husband is doing low carb so I made him a bunch of meals after church on Sunday. Work is crazy. I’ve been going in at 7 am to try to get a jump on things, which means I have to get up at 4 to be at the gym by 4:30. I’m so tired I want to cry. How are you?” 

“Exhausted. I just can’t keep up. I keep thinking it’s going to slow down but it doesn’t.” 

“I know, it’s so crazy. I’m exhausted all the time. I never get it all done! Why do we do this?” 

“I don’t know but we need to stop.” 

Conversation ends, and both proceed to live life exactly as before, and do it all again next week. And the one after that. 


Let me pause and say, if you are a person who works best being busy, and loves it, awesome. If that’s NOT you, and you feel like you spend a lot of time running around doing things you don’t want to do, saying yes when you want to say no, read on, my kindred spirit. 

If you have joined the Busy Olympics, whether you meant to or not, pause and ask yourself why. Why are you doing this? We compete for the gold medal, and the prize is . . . what? Exhaustion, impatience, poor sleep, inability to think straight, and sometimes even physical health problems. We all agree that it’s insane, but why do we keep doing it? 

I think we want to know that our existence matters. We want to know we are important, and enough. 

But here’s the good news. Your worth as a human is not tied to how many things you do in a day. 

Let me just say that again! 

Your worth as a human is not tied to how many things you do in a day. 

What if we reevaluate our whole plan, and value the time we are truly present and living life as the gauge for a successful day? 

Could you win a gold medal in the Fully Present Olympics? Could you make the team? If not, I would love to help you change that. Send me an email anytime -