Countdown to 2021: Part 1


What if you believed that life is happening FOR you instead of TO you? What happened in 2020 for you? How did you grow or change? 

For example, in 2017 the business I worked for was sold. What happened to me was potential job loss or job searching. What happened FOR me is that I suddenly had the freedom to ponder doing something new. I became a Life Coach and have a job I love every day. 

From 2000 - 2007 I did everything possible to become pregnant. What happened to me was unexplained infertility. What happened FOR me is we chose adoption. I wouldn’t have been the mother to my children if that hadn’t happened for me. 

What happened to me in 2020 is that I was a single mom business owner who suddenly had to homeschool her kids. What happened FOR me is that the news about school being cancelled happened when I was on a weekend visit to see my sister and her girls. We ended up staying 2 months instead. Co-parenting with my sister is my most cherished memory of 2020. The kids started to call us Mom1 and Mom 2 😂. I will never forget the special memories that happened for me.

What happened FOR you this year?