Countdown to 2021: Part 2

It’s easy to remember what went wrong this year, because, well, 2020. But today’s question is about what you did RIGHT. Sometimes we get so lost in just making it through the daily grind, we forget to celebrate where we did a great job. 


Some wins are tiny, some are huge, and they all count. What did you do right this year? 

Did you manage your kids distance learning, even kind of,  without losing your mind? 

Did you win a huge new client at work? Did you quit your miserable job? 

Did you notice that someone needed help, and reach out with a kind gesture? Were you nice to someone who isn’t easy to be nice to? 

Did you take time for yourself, even if it was locking yourself in the bathroom? Did you eat well and exercise, even some of the time? 

Were you flexible, even if you didn’t want to be, to accommodate what this year required? 

Did you have some belly laughs with your friends, even if it was on zoom? Were you part of a group - book club, bible study, moms group, mastermind - that inspired you? 

Did you set down your phone and connect with your family? Did you clean up your kitchen 9 million times? 

Did you do the hard thing, because it was the right thing? 

Did you clean out a closet, or your whole house? Did you get rid of some old thoughts that were holding you back? 

Did you hold the hand of someone who needed you, and witness their pain even though you couldn’t solve it? 

Did you read a great book? Learn a new skill? Notice the everyday beauty of life? 

Did you make a sign and participate in a birthday parade to brighten someone’s day? Did you sew masks and hand them out? Did you share a roll of toilet paper? 

Take a minute to savor the hundreds of big and small things you did this year. Good job, you. We made it!