The 2 month long "weekend”

Back in March, I went to visit my sister for a “long weekend” in Charleston and ended up staying for two months. It was unplanned but a wonderful experience. Together, we juggled working, homeschooling four kids, hundreds of meals, thousands of dishes, and 2 billion socks (seriously, why do kids leave socks everywhere!?). 

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The only time things felt really bad and out of control were when we let the chaos overrun us. The fastest cure was an “express tidy” where everyone picked up for 15 minutes. Once our space was back in order, we were back in order too. 

(Well, except when the kids got the dog stuck on the roof. In that case, we had to get the dog off the roof, no amount of decluttering could solve that mess.)

Tidying and organizing a space allows us to take action on something we can control, when there is so much in life that we can’t control. It works like magic to soothe our brain. 

After a teary goodbye to our Charleston family, we drove 14 hours back home. In order to get settled back in to my office, the first thing I did was take everything out of my office, and re-organize, declutter, and re-decorate (with things I already own). My office looks and feels amazing and I’ve had a super productive week working in it. 


The moral of the story is this: 

  • Sisters are awesome and two moms can do anything 

  • If you feel bad, stuck or overwhelmed, go ahead and de-clutter or organize something. I 100% guarantee that you will feel a little bit better when it’s done.

PS My 90 Days to Calm program includes the magic of de-cluttering. We take everything that is making your life feel overwhelming and examine it. We edit what gets put back in. We add extra touches like self care and new habits. And pretty soon, you have an organized, new life. If you’re ready to change your life, set up time with me to find out more.