Multitask your way to … chaos


If there’s one thing Moms can rock, it's multi-tasking. 

Whip up some lunch, talk on the phone and sign for a package delivery at the same time? Totally. 

Oversee one child’s zoom meeting for school, answer a work email, and simultaneously let the dog out? Like a boss. 

The trouble is, our human brains can’t actually fully attend to more than one thing. That means every time we are doing 16 things at once, we are splitting our focus 16 ways. 

You know that sinking feeling you get when you realize you’ve sent a text to the wrong person because you were doing too many things at once? 

Or that embarrassing moment when your spouse is talking to you, but you realize you have been thinking about something else and have no idea what the conversation is about. 

Yeah, that’s that’s the downside to multitasking. It also makes your brain feel overly busy and overwhelmed. 

Try these two simple changes today. After you do, notice how you feel. I’ll bet you it’s a LOT more calm than the doing-16-things-at-once feeling. 

  1. Listen with no intention of responding. How often when you are listening are you actually thinking about what you’ll say next? Or what you have to do next. Instead, fully listen, making listening your ONLY job. 

  2. Be in the moment. I know that sounds like an inspiring quote you’d find on pinterest with a pretty floral background. But, seriously, take a look around in your current moment. Where are you? What’s the temperature? What do you hear? What do you smell? What’s good in that moment? The 15 seconds you spend doing that will ground you to actually BE there. 


Let me know how those two work for you! 

PS Being present is key to a calm life. My 1 on 1 coaching program “90 Days to Calm” will teach you this important skill and the other key components to make your life feel calmer, more peaceful, more intentional. Set up a call with me here to learn more.