Calm Holidays Tip #6

Today’s Tip: Pick a new thought and think it on purpose 

 It's crunch time. Schools are on break and you still have to work and there are a million little things left to do. Today we are going to work on our mindset for the rest of the year.

 What is your current thought about the next 2 weeks? Look for a negative thought that probably doesn’t serve you. Examples could be: 

  • I just need to get through this 

  • I’m not going to have a chance to enjoy anything 

  • Everyone is driving me crazy 

  • I have too much to do  

Next, think about how that thought makes you FEEL. For example, if I think “I just need to get through this” I feel dread. When I feel dread, I don’t enjoy anything I’m doing, and I’m just trying to get it over with. 

 Now, let’s pick a new thought to use for the next two weeks. Think about how you would like to feel. For example, you may want to feel present, or content, or joyful, or calm. What thought can make you feel that way? 

 For example: 

“I am grateful for my family” 

“This is a special time of year and I’m going to see the best of it” 

“I will focus on being present” 

 What’s YOUR current negative thought?

What’s your new thought for the next 2 weeks?   

When you reply, I’ll enter you into this week’s drawing which is a $50 Starbucks card and a cute mug. Caffeine always helps when you’re trying to think positive!  

If you’ve missed any Calm Holiday Tips, you can find them all here

PS Saw this quote and loved it. “Moms: The only reason anyone ever has a holly, jolly Christmas” 

 PPS If you're feeling overwhelmed, why wait until January to start working on it? Set up a free discovery call with me to learn about my 1 on 1 coaching and see if it's a fit for you.