Calm Holiday Tip #7

Today’s Tip: Work that new thought 

 Last Thursday you picked a new, positive thought to get you through December. Today’s tip is about how to think a new thought. (If you missed how to pick a new thought, check out Tip 6)

 There are two ways to think a new thought: proactively and reactively. Both are great. Here’s how: 

 To be proactive, you want to think your new thought on purpose, several times a day. Let's say your thought is “I am becoming a person who is present with her family”. Here's what you could do to think it proactively:

 ✔ As soon as you wake up, before you grab your phone, say this thought 3 times. Say it in your head or out loud. If someone else is in your bed, they might think you’re weird, OR you might just inspire them, too. 

 ✔ Write the thought on a post-it and put it on your mirror. Read it and say it while you brush your teeth. Or put it in your car. Or at your desk. Or on your children. 

 ✔ Create a digital version of the thought (or snap a pic of that post-it) and set it as your screensaver on your phone or computer. Each time you see it, say it. 

 ✔ At bedtime, instead of counting sheep, say your thought over and over until you doze off into a fitful sleep and dream of sugar plum fairies. 

 To be reactive, you need to notice when you’ve had a not-so-positive thought, such as “I hate everyone and everything and I want this to be over”. Don’t judge yourself on the negative sentiment, just notice it and let it go. Then, replace it with your positive thought, such as “I am grateful for this time of year because . . . (add in your own reason here)“ 

 That’s it! Do both of those and you’re bound to have more intentional, positive thoughts. 

 Reply back and tell me your thought, and how you’ll proactively think it. This week's prize is a Passion Planner, my favorite planner of all time. They have digital or paper options - your pick!

P.S. If you you overwhelmed with negative thoughts and too much to do, why wait until January? Set up a discovery call with me now and we can see if 1 on 1 coaching is right for you.