Calm Holiday Tip #8

Today’s Tip: Be present

Being present means you are aware of what’s happening around you, without trying to change it. It’s probably impossible to be fully present all day (at least for me. I bet a Buddhist monk can do it with ease!). Instead, try to have moments of being fully present this holiday.  

Here are some tips for how to be more present:

📌Put away your phone. 

📌Be still. Simply sit down and be there with your family. 

📌Resist the urge to multi-task (making mashed potatoes while “listening” doesn’t count). 

📌Listen to the conversation without feeling the need to lead it or respond. 

📌Notice your environment. What do you smell? What can you see? What do you hear? How does the air feel on your skin? 

You’ve worked hard all month. You’ve planned, you’ve shopped, you’ve cooked, you’ve prepared, you’ve run 100 errands, you’ve wrapped, you’ve lost some sleep. Now is the time to just ENJOY. 

Today is the final tip, and the final day to enter the drawing. Reply back and let me know which of the tips above is the hardest one for you, and how you’ll work on it this week. The prize is a 2022 Passion Planner, the best planner ever. Digital or paper, you choose! 

PPS If you're feeling overwhelmed, why wait until January to start working on it? Set up a free discovery call with me to learn about my 1 on 1 coaching and see if it's a fit for you.