Mom Guilt

Have you heard the saying “a vacation with kids is just a trip”? If you’re a parent, you know this is 100% true. And I’m happy to report I’m on VACATION!

In years past, I would have had Mom Guilt about a kid free vacation. I already spent so much time away from them when I was at work, could I really enjoy a vacation without feeling badly?

Mom guilt was ever-present in my life. I would have my nanny write down the exact hours that my kids napped in a day. Then I’d use that to try to make myself feel better. “Let’s see . . . I worked 9 hours, but he was asleep for 3, so I was only away from him for 6 hours of the 12 total waking hours he had today. (I was so hard on myself. I want to give that mama a hug.)

Here’s the good news, though. Mom guilt is simply a mindset. You can get rid of it entirely.

You can say goodbye to thoughts like:

💭 I’m not spending enough time with my kids

💭 I’m so distracted with work that I half listen to my kids

💭 Other moms do {insert anything here} better than I do.

UGH. Sometimes our brain tricks us into thinking that mom guilt will help us. That it will motivate us to be better moms. Mom guilt is NEVER helpful.

In my coaching, I teach my clients a process to eliminate mom guilt entirely. With practice, this makes mom guilt a thing of the past. They can enjoy time with their family, and focus on work, at work. They can go on a VACATION instead of a trip.

I created this video to show you the exact steps I teach my clients, link in comments. No mama left behind. Join the guilt-free mom club!

PPS Thinking about coaching with me? Message me to set up a free session to talk about it.

Michelle Gauthier