Solving Work Life Balance

Some problems have a simple and easy solution. 

 📱 A charger solves a dead phone 


⭕ A pony tail holder solves bed head


☕ A hot coffee solves sleepy mornings 


But some problems - like balancing parenting, work, and a household -are a bit more complex. A charged phone, good hair, and coffee will help, of course, but we need to dig a little deeper to solve this one. 


Sometimes our brain defaults to all-or-nothing thinking when solving problems. For example, if you feel like you're working too much, not seeing your family enough, and doing a terrible job managing your household, your brain might suggest two options.

1. Quit the job

2. Suck it up and get used to it  

When neither of those are good options, we just stay stuck.  

But! In between quit the job and suck it up, there are 100 other small things you could do to start feeling better.  

For example, you could: 

  • Work late, but only one specific night a week

  • Put your phone away for the first hour you are home

  • Leave work 10 minutes earlier than usual

  • Have cereal for dinner one night a week so you don't have to cook

  • Don’t reply to work emails after 5 pm

  • Create a cleaning schedule for your house, or hire someone to do it

  • Play a game for 15 minutes with your family before bedtime

I’m sure you can think of plenty more. Just pick ONE and take one tiny step. Make it simple and do able.  

I’ve created this video with more details and specific instructions for how to create work life balance, right now. Check it out here

PS It doesn’t even have to be healthy cereal. No one ever died from a Lucky Charms dinner once a week, right?  

PPS If you're ready to create a balanced life, set up a free session to talk about 1 on 1 coaching with me here.

Michelle Gauthier