Your Boss Actually Can't Make You Feel Bad

 "Every time my brother calls me he makes me feel guilty for not seeing him more"

 "My boss always double checks my work and makes me feel embarrassed and stupid" 

  "My daughter's soccer coach makes me furious"


Nope, nope and nope! No one can make you feel ANYTHING. Your own thoughts always create your feelings.

So, a better description would be: 

  "When my brother calls me, I think about how I don't see him often and that makes me feel guilty." 

  "My boss checks my work and when she does, I think she must not trust me, and that makes me feel embarrassed." 

  "My daughter's soccer coach doesn't allow parents to yell in the stands, and I think that's unfair, and then I feel furious." 

 Taking responsibility for all of the feelings you have is POWERFUL. You can't ever control what other people say or do, but you CAN control the thoughts you want to think. 

 For example, try on some new thoughts like these: 

  "When my brother calls me I think about how much I enjoy his company and I feel grateful." 

  "When my boss checks my work, I think it's just part of the process, and I feel fine and move on with my day." 

  "My daughter's soccer coach doesn't allow parents to yell in the stands. That isn't what I'd do, but I'll support her and that makes me feel good." 

 Stop suffering because of what other people say or do. You always have the power to change the way you think about it. I'll teach you how. 

Set up a free discovery meeting with me to more about 1 on 1 coaching. 

PS Think of all of the spare time you'll have when you aren't thinking about how other people make you feel. You could get a new hobby! 



Michelle Gauthier