Green With Envy

It’s totally ok to want what someone else has. Envy isn’t a terrible, shameful emotion. It’s just your brain saying “Hey! Pay attention to that. You might want that too.” 

I’m envious of Amy and her lake house. She’s also an amazing hostess and makes the best floral arrangements. 

I’m envious of Ashley, whose muscles look like a photo shoot straight out of a fitness magazine. 

I’m envious of Lauren, who took a last minute trip to Europe just because she wanted to.


Think of someone you’re envious of. Ask yourself: 


💭What exactly does she/he have that I wish I had? 


Maybe she never loses her patience, or she owns a cool boutique, or lives in your dream house. 


Once you’ve listed exactly what you envy, brainstorm one tiny step you can take to start bringing it to your life. 


If you envy someone who owns a business (this used to be my biggest envy!), set up coffee with that person or someone else who has started a business. 


If you envy someone who is always well dressed, invest in one piece of clothing that makes you feel fabulous. 


Here are my tiny steps: 

🟢 I have a dream of owning a lake house. I found a picture of “my future house” and made it the lock screen on my phone. 

🟢I made a conscious effort to try to lift heavier weights than I thought I could, to work on getting some Ashley-like muscles myself. 

🟢Lauren’s trip to Europe reminded me that I love walking around and exploring a new city. I don’t have to fly to Europe for that. I can eat out in a new neighborhood or take a day trip to a cute town near me. 

Let envy be your friendly guide for what you want in life. And once you figure it out, I’d be delighted to help you get exactly what you want. The first step is to set up a complementary discovery session with me here

Michelle Gauthier