Change is the Worst

Change is terrifying and a terrible idea. At least that’s what our brain tells us. But, Fall reminds us that change is necessary, and even beautiful.  

When a tree is ready to shed her leaves, she releases a chemical that pushes the leaf to the edge of the branch and then seals off where it used to be attached. The next time the wind blows or it rains, the leaf drops and the change is complete. Yes, she will grow a new leaf, but not until spring. Until then she adjusts to the change without replacing it.

What habit could you “drop” this season? Looking at your phone first thing in the morning? Being 5 minutes late everywhere you go? Drinking that extra class of wine? Complaining? Doing everything for everyone else before you even consider yourself? 

Pick one change you’d like to make, and follow the advice of a tree in the Fall.


Push the leaf out to the edge of the branch. Choose what you’d like to drop. Write it down. For example I want to stop looking at my phone first thing when I wake up


Seal off where the leaf was attached. Pick the date when you’ll drop the habit. Starting on September 30, I’m going to keep my phone turned off until I’ve been awake for 30 minutes.


Wait for the wind to blow. When the "drop date" arrives, quit the habit and write it down. Starting today and going forward, I’m not looking at my phone for the first 30 minutes I'm awake.


Wait for spring. Notice what happens in the absence of this habit. Simply observe how you spend your time differently, and how dropping this habit has changed the way you spend your time. Now I have a cup of coffee and journal first thing in the morning and it feels so much more intentional and peaceful.

PS If you are looking for a better morning habit, I have a free 10 minute morning routine that will help you create a calm, intentional day. You can grab it right here.


PPS Bonus points if you drop so many habits that you can rake them into a pile and jump in them!


PPPS If you would like help making changes in your life, I'd love to talk to you. The first step is to set up a complimentary discovery session here.

Michelle Gauthier