“The vast majority of everything is working with breathtaking efficiency”

Get this. Thousands of things have already gone right today. While you were sleeping, your body was busy at work cleaning out toxins, reorganizing and saving new information in your brain, repairing and creating new cells, restoring your energy. Your heart was beating and your lungs were breathing and you didn’t even have to ask them to.  


Then there’s the fact that you opened your eyes. Magic! How about feeling the sensation of being in a warm bed in a warm house? Maybe you smelled coffee or pet your dog before you even got out of bed. Maybe you heard your little people calling for you. 


You probably walked to the bathroom (definitely something to be grateful for there - the walking AND the bathroom) and turned on the shower and water came out, at the temperature you picked! Imagine all of the things that had to go right for that to happen. Someone planned your city and your neighborhood, and lots of people worked hard to build that infrastructure and maintain it.  


Every minute of every day, thousands of things are going right. 


Of course stuff goes wrong, too. My daughter came and slept with me in the middle of the night because she had a bad dream. She woke me up about 17 times, once actually smacking me in the face (in her sleep). 


Things going wrong: 1 

Things going amazingly right: 3,272


So on Thanksgiving, you might want to remember how many things are going right when your uncle insults your political views, or someone is late to dinner, or your turkey is overdone.


Something, usually thousands of things, are going right.


Happy Thanksgiving, Friends. 


PS The quote in the title of this post is by Pam Grout. I love her books. This book, Thank and Grow Rich is one of the best books I've read this year (and I read a lot of books!).


PPS Between writing this email and editing it, I ran to Starbucks. I was craving my oatmilk latte with 2 pumps of raspberry. They made it with almond milk instead. Bummer!! Things going wrong: 2. Things going right: 4,932



PPPS If you want to stop focusing on negative thoughts, I can help. The first step is to set up a discovery session with me here

Michelle Gauthier