New Years Resolutions

Let’s say you had a bunch of new years resolutions on January 1, and as of today you are no longer doing any of them. You’re in good company. Depending on the study you read, around 75% of people give up on their resolutions by February 15th.  If that’s you, don’t sweat it!  February 15th is an equally good day to start a resolution. Follow these easy steps:  

  1. Make a list of what is already going well in your life. Now, ask yourself:

  2. What’s the ONE thing I’d most like to change?

  3. What’s ONE thing I can do to create that change?

  4. Make that one thing even smaller and more specific.

  5. How often will I do that one thing?

  6. Make the frequency of that one thing even less.

  7. Put that frequency on your calendar.

  8. Do that one thing.

For example: 

  1. What’s already going well in my life? My job, I workout, I spend good time with my kids, I have a happy relationship.

  2. What’s the ONE thing I’d most like to change? My house gets messy and it drives me crazy.

  3. What’s ONE thing I can do to create that change? Clean for 30 minutes every morning before work.

  4. Make that one thing even smaller and more specific. Clean up my kitchen for 15 minutes.

  5. How often will I do that one thing? Every morning.

  6. Make the frequency of that one thing even less. 3 mornings a week.

  7. Put that frequency on your calendar. Done.

  8. Do that one thing. I’m on it.


Did your brain want to go to “But if you clean up the kitchen just 3 mornings a week then you have a messy kitchen 4 nights a week!”.  

Three clean kitchen mornings beats the heck out of 0 clean mornings. Plus, once I get in the groove with 3, I can maybe move to 4 with ease. And it won’t be such a chore because it’s done more often.  

Take the steps above and get started on your not-that-new-of-a-year resolution today. Febru-lutions? 

PS If you’re ready to change your life, I’m ready to help you. I help women who feel overwhelmed and stuck create a calm and simple life. Set up a discovery call with me here to find out more.

Michelle Gauthier